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Category: Uncategorized

  • How to write meta descriptions using BERT

    How to write meta descriptions using BERT

    If you are confused about meta descriptions in SEO, why they are important and how to nail it with the help of artificial intelligence, this article is for you.  If you are eager to start experimenting with an AI-writer, read the full article. At the end, I will give you a script to help you write meta descriptions on…

  • Get Rich Snippets on Google’s SERP with Schema.org

    Get Rich Snippets on Google’s SERP with Schema.org

    Rich snippets and other features that you can obtain on Google’s SERP using the schema markup in 2019 Within the past 10 years, the appearance and function of Google’s SERP have drastically changed with the inclusion of several rich snippets and SERP features that provide additional functionalities for users and adds challenges for SEO experts.  In fact, these rich snippets provide unique…

  • How To Build A High-Converting Video Website That Ranks

    How To Build A High-Converting Video Website That Ranks

    Effectively ranking a video-on-demand website in search engines is a challenge many content creators and businesses face. And with the ongoing global pandemic and current landscape, many have started looking into taking their businesses, events, and organization online by launching a video-on-demand site to host/monetize their content and have it globally accessible. When the majority of your content is…

  • How to turn your content model into a powerful marketing and SEO weapon

    How to turn your content model into a powerful marketing and SEO weapon

    Providing your website with a structured content model is not only the best solution to better organize your content, but also a powerful strategy to improve the SEO of your website and increase organic traffic. In this article, we’ll explain how the WordLift entity-based model, coupled with the new feature WL Mappings, will allow you to add a more…

  • The Role of Content Structuring in Voice Search and Beyond

    In 1996 Bill Gates wrote “Content is King”, predicting a world where content would have been the main wealth on the Internet. Although this prediction has been a catchphrase in the contest of digital marketing in the 2000s, nowadays it could sound a little naive. It isn’t, if you rethink content separating it from its containers and try to understand…

  • È viva la lezione di Modigliani

    È viva la lezione di Modigliani

    1918-2018 Il primato della lotta alla disoccupazione contro il monetarismo dominante. Cento anni fa nasceva l’economista premio Nobel, costretto all’esilio dalle leggi razziali di Mussolini Franco Modigliani (a sinistra, 1918-2003) mentre riceve il premio Nobel per l’economia, che gli fu assegnato nel 1985, dalle mani del re Carlo XVI Gustavo di Svezia (foto Ansa)shadow Franco…


    Vasta gamma di batterie avviamento per auto, moto, camion, settore marino e industria. Ogni necessitĂ  ha la sua batteria specifica. Batterie avviamento senza manutenzione per auto e mezzi pesanti . Le nostre batterie si distinguono per miglior prezzo, affidabilitĂ , potenza e durata nel tempo. LUBRIFICANTI Offriamo alla nostra clientela gli oli lubrificanti “Top Quality” omologati…

  • Hire a Digital Marketing Consultant in Pune

    We are a Team of Execution for Branding, Marketing, and Lead Generation. Also, We provide Web Design and Development Service with 1 Year Support. Our Work Represent our Profile and Class. We may not the Only Digital Marketing Agency or Consultants in Pune, India, but We can say No One Like us in Pune, India.…

  • L’unicitĂ  di un attore come Massimo Troisi

    L’unicitĂ  di un attore come Massimo Troisi

    Il 5 marzo 1981 Massimo Troisi debutta al cinema in veste di regista-attore con Ricomincio da tre: il film incassa 15 miliardi di lire e viene proiettato per 43 settimane consecutive nelle sale, segnando un record ancora oggi imbattuto. Da quel giorno, l’artista napoletano ha conosciuto una lunga serie di successi, terminata solo con la morte prematura…

  • GĂ©rer les produits temporairement indisponibles sans perdre en rĂ©fĂ©rencement

    La rupture de stock est une situation assez frĂ©quente sur les sites ecommerce. Elle s’accompagne souvent de dĂ©ception chez l’internaute et parfois de perte de CA. Voici comment gĂ©rer le cas des produits temporairement non disponibles (stock Ă©puisĂ©), sous l’angle SEO mais aussi expĂ©rience utilisateur. Analyse de la situationLe problĂšme est-il temporaire ? Je pense que…

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