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Artificial intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (ai) is improving healthcare by reducing errors and saving lives. AI was valued at $600 million in 2014 and is projected to reach $150 billion by 2026.

AI applications in healthcare include finding new links between genetic codes or to drive surgery-assisting robots.

How does AI help healthcare?

David B Agus, MD, professor of Medicine and Engineering at the university of Southern California believes Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already here and it’s fundamentally changing medicine. Machine learning allows computers to “learn with incoming data and identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human direction,” he added.

Which is the best application of AI in the healthcare?

Pathai is developing machine learning technology to assist pathologists in making more accurate diagnoses. The company has worked with drug developers like Bristol-Myers Squibb and organizations like the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation to expand its AI technology into other healthcare industries.






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